Sabtu, 30 April 2011

Mamalia yang Tidak Dapat Melompat

Di dunia binatang, banyak yang bisa melompat. Mulai dari serangga terkecil sampai binatang menyusui yang tubuhnya sangat besar. Puma atau harimau gunung dapat melompat sampai sejauh 6 meter dari tempatnya berdiri! Ini rekor terjauh bagi binatang mamalia.

Jika Anda mengukur jarak lompatan berdasarkan kelipatan panjang tubuh maka pemenangnya adalah lalat. Lalat dapat melompat sejauh 220 kali dari panjang tubuhnya! Sebagai perbandingan, rekor terjauh lompatan manusia diciptakan pelompat jauh asal AS, Mike Powell, yaitu 8,95 meter pada tahun 1991. Namun, lompatan ini tidak sampai 5 kali panjang tubuh Powell.

Kalaulah manusia tidak terlalu trengginas dalam melompat –lompatan tertinggi para pemain profesional bola basket hanya 28 inci- ternyata ada sosok mamalia yang sama sekali tidak dapat melompat yaitu gajah!

Gajah tidak dapat melompat karena struktur tulang di kakinya. Baik telapak kaki maupun pergelangannya tidak memiliki kelenturan seperti yang dimiliki mamalia lainnya yang bisa melompat. Gajah harus menempatkan minimal satu kaki ditanah. Itu sebabnya, gerakan mereka terlihat lucu ketika berjalan.

"Struktur Tulang Gajah"

Paus pun dapat melompat, tetapi lompatannya disebut “breaching” yaitu melompat keluar dari air dan sedikit berguling ke satu sisi tubuhnya. Adapun paus pembunuh dan lumba-lumba dapat mengangkat keluar seluruh tubuhnya dari air.

"Breaching Paus"

Source: Harian Kompas Minggu 24-04-2011

Jumat, 22 April 2011

Assignment : Example of Reported Speech

1. D: She said "I never forget what happen last night.."
I: She said she never forgot what happen last night.
2. D: They write a letter every week.
I: A letter is written by them every week.
3. D: They have made me the leader of team.
I: I have been made by them.
4. D: Aaron said "I buy the dictionary at the book shop last day"
I: Aaron said that he bought hie dictionary at the bookshop last day.
5. D: Jessica tell "We will leave London tomorrow"
I: Jessica tell that they would leave London tomorrow.

Assignment : Reported Speech

* Reported Speech is a sentence of reporting what someone has said. It is almost used in spoken English
* Reported Speech also reffered as Indirect Speech.
* So in Bahasa it known as Kalimat Langsung dan Kalimat Tidak Langsung (Direct-Indirect).
* If the reporting verb (i.e. told) is in the past, the reported clause will be in a past form. This form is usually one step back into the past from the original.
* If simple present, present perfect or the future is used in the reporting verb (i.e. tells) the tense is retained.

Senin, 18 April 2011


Taukan kalau DPR (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat) ingin buat gedung baru? Wah, tau juga ngga kalau dananya mencapai Rp 1,16 Triliun ?!?!

Dengan berbagai fasilitas didalamnya, gedung baru DPR tersebut banyak menimbulkan kritik dimana-mana. DPR dikatakan banyak maunya, hanya ingin berbagai fasilitas mewah tanpa memikirkan kinerjanya masing-masing yang bisa dikatakan masih jauh dari baik. Banyak rakyat yang mengingikan DPR seharusnya membenahi dulu kinerja masing-masing sebelum membenahi gedung.

Sekedar informasi, gedung baru DPR itu tergolong mewah dengan berbagai fasilitas layaknya hotel bintang lima. Ada tempat spa, kolam renang, tempat fitness, toko minimarket, tukang pijit dan lain sebagainya. Menurut mereka fasilitas tersebut semata-mata juga untuk penunjang kinerja DPR. Gedung baru itu bertinggi 36 lantai dan luas mencapai 157.000 meter persegi rencananya tetap akan mulai dikerjakan pada Oktober 2011 ini walaupun banyak kritik sana-sini. Rancangan gedung baru berbentuk U terbalik tersebut dikatakan mirip dengan sebuah gedung Parlemen di Chile.

Gambar atas adalah rancangan gedung baru DPR dan yang bawah adalah gedung Parlemen di Chile

Dengan dana mencapai Rp 1,16 triliun ada banyak hal lain yang bisa dilakukan ketimbang untuk membangun sebuah gedung. Diantaranya:
* Rp 1,16 Triliun = 11600 rumah @ Rp 100 juta
* Rp 1,16 Triliun = 23000 ruang kelas @ Rp 50 juta
Bandingkan dengan Rp1,16 Triliun = sebuah gedung DPR!! Ada baiknya memikirkan hal lain (karena masih banyak masalah di Indonesia) dibandingkan fokus untuk membuat sebuah gedung yang bahkan ironisnya banyak diluar sana sekolah-sekolah yang memiliki ruang kelas yang rusak, bocor, fasilitas kurang atau bahkan pelosok-pelosok yang daerahnya belum terjamah listrik sehingga mereka menjadi kurang informasi.. Semoga masih dipikirkan untuk hal-hal ini..

(sumber perhitungan Metro TV)


This lyrics are great!!

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag
Drifting through the wind, wanting to start again?
Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin
Like a house of cards, one blow from caving in?

Do you ever feel already buried deep?
Six feet under screams but no one seems to hear a thing
Do you know that there's still a chance for you
'Cause there's a spark in you?

You just gotta ignite the light and let it shine
Just own the night like the 4th of July

'Cause baby, you're a firework
Come on, show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go, oh
As you shoot across the sky

Baby, you're a firework
Come on, let your colors burst
Make 'em go, oh
You're gonna leave 'em falling down

You don't have to feel like a waste of space
You're original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew what the future holds
After a hurricane comes a rainbow

Maybe you're reason why all the doors are closed
So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road
Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow
And when it's time, you'll know

You just gotta ignite the light and let it shine
Just own the night like the 4th of July

'Cause baby you're a firework
Come on, show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go, oh
As you shoot across the sky

Baby, you're a firework
Come on, let your colors burst
Make 'em go, oh
You're gonna leave 'em falling down

Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
It's always been inside of you, you, you
And now it's time to let it through

'Cause baby you're a firework
Come on, show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go, oh
As you shoot across the sky

Baby, you're a firework
Come on, let your colors burst
Make 'em go, oh
You're gonna leave 'em falling down

Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon

Selasa, 12 April 2011



Aku mencintaimu dengan sebenarnya, dengan tanpa syarat..
Aku mencintai pengertianmu yang tanpa keraguan..
Aku mencintaimu dengan jujur, dengan tanpa tipuan..
Aku mencintaimu dengan kreatif, dengan tanpa persyaratan..
Aku mencintaimu sekarang dengan tanpa kecuali..
Aku mencintaimu dengan sesungguhnya, dengan tanpa kepura-puraan..
Aku mencintai jiwamu tanpa mengharap..
Aku mencintai keberadaanmu dengan tanpa tuntutan..
Aku mencintaimu..

Senin, 04 April 2011

Tugas Softskill - Assignment 2

Assignment 2: Make 10 English sentences containing "Noun Clauses"!

1. I thought that it would be fun day!
2. Justin Bieber concert in Jakarta would be greatest concert ever.
3. The T-shirt your sister wearing is made in Bandung.
4. All they say is nonsense.
5. What you need is what you get!
6. No one know who you are
7. I know what you did last summer.
8. The goodnews is you get A for English.
9. Be careful of what you are doing!
10. Anything you say won't make any difference.

Tuga SoftSkill - Assignment 1

Assignment 1: What do you know about "Noun Clause"? Explain it in essay!

A Noun-Clause is a group of words which contains a Subject and a Predicate of its own and does the work of a noun.

A noun clause is a group of words:
•That functions as one unit
•That has its own subject-verb combination
•That functions in a sentence as a noun or pronoun functions.
•That often has a subordinator.
•Stand alone as a complete not and that may sentence.

Main Entry : Noun Clause
Part Of Speech : n
Definition : A subordinate clause that function as a subject within the main clauses
Example : "What the lady does is none of your business."

source :



Aku datang kepadamu dengan cara menghiburmu..
Menghantar semua cintaku..
Aku berdoa kepada Allah, berterimakasih kepada-Nya
Untuk menghantarmu ke dalam hidupku

Rasakan hujan mengalir turun..
Membasahi kulitmu
Menyentuhmu dengan cintaku
Rasakan air hujan itu seakan air mataku yang jatuh di wajahmu..

Aku datang kepadamu
Untuk berada bersamamu..
Tanpa cintamu ku miliki
Hanya untuk bersamamu

Kau hidupku, kau duniaku
Aku menutup mataku, berfikir tentangmu
Aku melihat wajah indahmu
Adakah engkau mengasihi hatiku?

Jumat, 01 April 2011


"Behind every great man, there has to be a great woman." It might be as same as "Behind every great Idol, there has to be a great Fans!"

Hmm, an Idol and Fans are one! There is not an Idol who could stand alone without fans! How mean fans for the Idol? It's mean alot! Because without fans, an Idol is nothing! They're (fans) always give great present, great supports till their great prayer for their GREAT IDOL! Even sometimes there are some 'crazy fans' who ready to do anything for their Idols!

For example, in America or Europe there are Justin Bieber concert (Justin Bieber gets his stardom for just 2 years ago). Belibers (Justin's fans) willing to 'camping out' in the curb as early as morning to be in with a chance of seeing their idol ! Even there was also a girl who posted a video on Youtube who was crying because she really wanted to meet Justin Bieber! And how lucky she is, Bieber meet her immediately after seeing the video. It shows the appreciation of an Idol for their fans.

Beliebers camping out at the one Justin Bieber Concert 

The true fans are ready to support their Idol even is not on the top! Therefore, it is not a rare to hear the 'speech' of an Idol who gets some awards say thanks to their fans. And as well, how meaningful an Idol for their fans! They can inspire to make their fans-self better and even later would become an Idol!

And one for remember "Everybody has their own GREAT IDOL!" so don't you ever vilify some friends Idols just because you don't like her/him..